Visual setting and modification of TP & SL stops
Visual stops modification is done via Visual Trading Console’s “Modify” button, which is located on the Market Orders and Pending Orders grid.
Each trade entry has it’s own button:
The “Modify” button is strictly connected with the trade’s ticket number (plus account number on the multi-terminal version) and the current periodicity setting on the related quote box.
(When the button is clicked the “Modify” label will be changed to “Cancel” – this enables the user to quickly cancel the operation)
Once the “Modify” button on the presented picture is pressed, the EURUSD, M3 chart will be brought to front (if the charts are maximized) plus the following set of icons and horizontal lines
will be displayed on this chart:
The blue and red horizontal lines are used to modify the take profit and stop loss levels. You need to double-click each line to make it movable.
The line is moved by left-clicking and holding down the mouse button while moving the line up or down to select the desired level.
The icons located on the left top corner of the chart are used to perform the following set of functions:
X → Cancel order modification.
V → Acknowledge order modification.
SL → turn ON/OFF the stop loss (show / hide the red horizontal line)
TP → turn ON/OFF the take profit (show / hide the blue horizontal line)
Once the “Acknowledge order modification” icon is clicked the updated stop values will be committed to server.
Pressing “Modify” on the Pending Orders grid will additionally bring up a third horizontal line (yellow), which is used to modify the entry price for the pending order.
Please note that the order type cannot be changed i.e. buy stop to buy limit, etc.